eirian84's Diaryland Diary


Talk of Wedding Showers and Funerals

Kim came down Saturday for a few hours, with Chris. (She told me she's read my journal, so eventually I'm sure she'll read this, too... >:D ) It was a typical visit, nothing really special. I gave her her Easter basket. I got her a big stuffed Curious George doll, dressed in a raincoat, as well as a mini-plushie George in a blue hoodie. I also got her a chihuahua-plushie wearing bunny ears, and I even added a stuffed squeaky toy for Miles (her dog).

Okay, she called me Friday, & told me that she and Chris aren't getting married in May of next year. That was the "bad" news. The "good" news was, they were getting married this year. She told us Saturday they've decided on August 5th. So, instead of just over a year, my mom has less than 4 months to hold a wedding shower for her.

My mom told Kim she wanted to hold a shower for her, and she said she felt really bad, because Kim seemed so grateful for it, and no one else was holding one for her, not even her own mom. But it's gonna be a lot of work to put it together, especially in such short time. But I think she's kind of looking forward to it. She really likes Kim (why, I don't know... ^_~).

So, Kim and Mom were discussing wedding shower stuff Saturday, like the guest list, and if she wanted to any sort of theme. We got to talking about games, and I mentioned a game Mom had told me about before (like, years ago, just talking.). I was explaining to Kim that someone says a famous slogan, and the guests have to guess what the product is. So we played a little impromptu game, to sort of show Kim what we meant.

"Good to the last drop." "Folgers."
"A dollop'll do ya." "Daisy."

We said a couple others, too, and Kim was coming up with them. So then (I will NEVER forget this!), I think Kim was saying a slogan, but that's beside the point.

My mom says, "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand."

I start to say "M&M's."

With perfect timing, Kim chimes in with, "Trojan MAN!"

I, of course, burst out laughing so hard I got stomach cramps. Through my gut-wrenching laughs, I replay the scene for them, so then they start laughing, too.

Of course, it was funnier than it sounds 'cause we'd also been talking about having a lingerie-themed party for her. Which would be bad, because she's inviting her mom. (Not that anyone wants to, the way she always acts out to get attention, but...)

Her mom is the reason the wedding got moved up. She & Kim have been getting into a whole bunch of fights lately. It's gotten so bad that she told me one night, she would have just moved out, if she had anyone to share an apartment with. She goes, "I knew you weren't packed or ready to move to Lincoln, and didn't have a job lined up down here, or I would have had you come down here."

My mom keeps saying she's happy to be doing this for Kim, "But if Liz acts at all like she did at Christy's funeral, I'm going to have a very, very, very, VERY hard time not killing her. A VERY hard time!"

Let me tell you about Liz. She has 4 children (Kim is the only "normal" one; & I use the term loosely--j/k!). Once one baby was old enough that people didn't give her that much attention any more, she got pregnant, so she would be getting attention again.

Christy was Kim's older sister. She was 3 years older than us; she & Kim fought like 2 female cats in heat. I think they might have gotten along better after they stopped living in the same house, I'm not sure; I didn't see Christy that often after she moved out of town.

Christy died when she was 20; single-car accident on a gravel road. Kim & I were fine for the week or so up until the funeral, then once the pastor actually started eulogizing, we both cried through the entire thing (she says; we didn't sit together, but I wish now we had). On the ride to the cemetary, I'd gotten hold of myself, but then when they started talking again, I cried through the entire thing.

Liz, Christy's effin' mother, for Chrissake, goes around before the funeral like it's a fuckin' party! "We should celebrate!" she says, "Christy's in a better place, now! She's in heaven, and she's happy!" That's as much as I heard from her; I didn't really interact with anyone that much (I'm not a social person), and Kim got sick of her mom's attitude, so we sort of hung out out of the way together, talking to the younger people who came (Christy's & our friends from school).

I guess my mom saw more of Liz's behavior that day than I did, because it really upset her. Sunday when she said if Liz did anything like that at Kim's shower, & she'd have a hard time not killing her, I told her I hadn't seen much of her behavior at the funeral. My mom said, "She acted as if that's all Christy was; a way to get attention for herself. Oh, my daughter's dead, but look at all these people offering me sympathy and attention!"

So, that's my little rant about Liz. Now imagine living with someone like that for the past 21 years of your life. So, I can totally understand why Kim wants out of there. But, thing is, she won't move in with Chris until they're married. So, that's why they're getting married so much sooner now.

And, I won't be a bridesmaid now, 'cause Kim's going with a really small wedding. I told her I was waiting to do anything drastic to my hair until after the wedding, and she said "Oh, you'll still be in the pictures. But do whatever funky thing you want to your hair; I don't care."

Maybe I should die it light pink. ^_~ (No, really.)

Kim said she'd read my journal, and... I think she said she cried, but I can't remember at what part. She asked if I was still worried about her & Chris getting married so soon, and surprisingly, I'm really not. I do think about it every now & then, but never with such an overwhelming worry as when I wrote that entry. She said she even read it to Chris and they talked about it.

I was telling Mom about the entry later, after they'd left, & our discussion about it, & Mom goes, "And you might be more worried about her 5, or even 10 years from now." She went on to say, "Liz and Bill were married for 17 years, give or take some months."

9:27 a.m. - 2006-04-25


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