eirian84's Diaryland Diary


Get a tattoo? Of what?

After talking to Dana & Samantha @ work (who both have their tongues pierced, & Samantha's is just as short as mine is), I was still determined to get my tongue pierced. But yesterday we went to Lincoln & I asked the guy Dana told me to go see, & he said my tongue was too short, also. I texted Kim (who had the day off) & told her it wasn't gonna happen. She wrote back & said "it's a sign. guess your next step is to get a tattoo." & I was like "why does everyone want me to get a tattoo?" Just the other day a woman I work with, Angel, suggested I get a tattoo with her. I'm like, "I don't want a tattoo; they're painful, & they're permanent." Angel's like, "I just want someone to come with me when I get mine done, other than my husband."

So today I texted her (I love text messaging! I'm addicted) & said, "guess I won't be getting my tongue pierced, it's too short. when are you going to get your tattoo?" she wrote back "I think I have to wait until I get the extra tax money." to which I replied, "I'm not saying I'll get one, but I'd like to see it done."

So tonight I've been seriously contemplating what tattoo I would like to get married to, if I were to get one. A small one, naturally - because they're painful, & because they're expensive. Plus, I'm so picky when it comes to art, I have a definite aesthetic taste, so I just wanted to see what I could find. Something with personal meaning - if I do go through with this, I'm gonna have this thing stuck on me forever, so I want it to mean something important to me.

So naturally, I thought, "A Japanese tattoo." It's not that unusual to see someone with an oriental tattoo, even people who don't know squat about China or Japan, so that would be fine, & it would be significant to me, since I've been fascinated with Japan coughobsessescough since I was twelve. If I'd really apply myself, I could learn Japanese, & I love everything about their culture and history and just -- yeah. So, a Japanese tattoo makes sense. But, what kind? I wouldn't want just a kanji tattoo, like you normally see. Bleh, boring.

Anyway, so I got on the internet & started with a simple search, "Japanese tattoo". One of the sites I found talked about translating your name into kanji. Hmm. But still, looking at the images for my full name, it just wasn't what I wanted. I don't want writing on my body, I want a picture. A picture is worth a thousand words, you know. ^_~ But some of the other sites talked about zodiac tattoos, so I started looking at those, mostly the western zodiac (I'm a Scorpio, & proud of it), because in the Chinese zodiac, I'm a rat. And while I understand all about it (research after I got obsessed with Fruits Basket), I just really don't want a rat stuck on my body until after I die.

I'm still looking at some Scorpio tattoos, & while I do really like some of them, I've decided I won't get one. I think the last thing I need is an arachnid inked onto my body.

While I was browsing the Japanese sites, looking at pictures of Chinese zodiac characters, they also had koi, foxes & other animals. & suddenly I'm like, "A fox!" Foxes are one of my favorite animals, & of course thinking Japanese fox, I thought, "No, a kitsune!"

A kitsune, in case you don't know, is a Japanese fox demon, or spirit, that has more than one tail. Here is an explanation of the kitsune, that I found on a tattoo site that featured a picture of a kitsune tattoo.

Spiritual beast: Nine-tailed fox
A beast with two elements: evil and sacred

The well-matured fox after the age of 50 gains the ability to disguise itself into a human and at the age of 100 it prefers to transform into a voluptuous woman or an oracle. It sometimes disguises itself as a man to have liaisons with women.
At 1000 years old, the fox will gain the highest rank. By then it will have nine tails, and shiny golden fur. Its howls are similar to the cries of human babies�. Nine-tailed fox preys on humans.

Although it is a man-eating fox, the consuming of its flesh prevents being put under the spells of monsters and protect oneself against curses.
In ancient China, Nine-tailed fox was illustrated as a voluptuous beauty who disturbs the country. With its supernatural power, it transformed into the most beautiful lady and deceived Chou Hsin of the Yin in China. It persuaded the king to hold extravagant feasts, leading the downfall of the Yin Dynasty.
Since then, the fox continuously destroyed several countries by transforming into the wife of the Crowned Prince in India and the wife of King You of the Zhou Dynasty and finally sneaked into a boat for Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty China to come to Japan.

Nine-tailed fox in Japan transformed itself into a beautiful woman called Tamanomoe and bewildered the Emperor Toba who soon became bed-ridden. However, its disguise was discovered because of the blue glow emitted from its body. It was defeated in the end, by a Yin-Yang teller�s sacred mirror.

The aforementioned tales illustrates the negative features of Nine-tailed fox, but in Japan it is regarded as a sacred beast. It appears when the emperor�s virtue reached his people as well as birds and animals. The figure nine means the largest single number and the nine tails are the symbol of future prosperity. Therefore, the Japanese, unlike people in China and India, did not regard the fox as bad omen.

Future prosperity? That sounds like a good symbol, & 9 happens to be my favorite number. Now all I have to do is find a tattoo/picture of it that I like.


I may never get a tattoo.

12:37 a.m. - 2008-04-04


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