eirian84's Diaryland Diary


You As A State Alchemist Quiz

Wow, 2 updates in like... 5 hours! Impressive!

I wasn't planning on updating again so soon, but I found an FMA quiz, and there's the little spiel above the code saying, 'to add this quiz to your online journal, just copy and paste...' etc. And I realized, hey! I have an online journal! Sweet!

I don't actually expect anyone else to use this, but I think it's really fun, and this is easier than bookmarking it (My bookmark organization skills suck).

Fullmetal Alchemist: You as a State Alchemist by SilvernFalcon
Favorite alchemist?:
Favorite homunculus?:
Your alchemy element:Fire
Your alchemist name:Earthly Angel Alchemist
Roy Mustang...:...Wants to see you in a miniskirt.
Edward Elric...:...Would choose you over Winry.
Scar...:...Is hunting you.
Envy...:...Thinks Ed is overprotective of you.
Your alchemy success percentage:: 5%
Your rank:Colonel
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I suppose I should be flattered that Roy wants to see me in a miniskirt, but I'd rather have him want to kiss me. And an alchemist success rating of 5%?! WTF!?!

9:02 a.m. - 2006-03-21


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