eirian84's Diaryland Diary


Buffy Mania - or is that Marc Mania?

I just watched Wes Craven's They on FX. Even though you caught frantic half-glimpses of the monsters, & there was a lot of suspense, the movie was told from such a personal POV that I couldn't find it in myself to be all that scared. I kept wondering, are these things real, or are they just in her head? Because no one else sees them, the only thing they see is her acting like a total nutjob. Well, at the end you find out what's really going on (sort of), but still... I wasn't that scared.

Until I got up and noticed how dark the bathroom seemed, even with a nightlight on in there. If any of the lights had started flickering, I would have screamed my freakin' head off. But that's just 'cause I've always been spazzy and paranoid about the dark & things grabbing my legs. Very spazzy. I used to be terrified to go up the stairs at night, afraid something would grab my ankles. And we had closed stairs, so nothing could reach through them. So, yeah.

Other than the ambiguous terror of the movie, I came away with one thing from that movie.

Marc Blucas is one incredibly hot guy.

I've said before that bad boys just don't really do it for me, but give me a cute Midwestern farm boy with a nice smile and a good sense of humor, and I will be an incoherent pile of putty. Gah. Just, gah!

If I ever find out that he wasn't born in the Midwest, I'm gonna be so disappointed. Even in the movie, she made mention that he was raised in the Midwest. I'm going, "Yeah, Iowa!"

Aah, the Buffy-mania strikes again. I saw an episode of "TV Guide Presents TV's 100 Most Unexpected Moments", & like #45 or 46 was Buffy the Musical (Once More With Feeling). So of course, I recorded that one little bit of the show. I had Mom watch it tonight, & we got into this big discussion about musicals being about dark subject matter and making it cheerful by putting it to music. For example: Did you know that West Side Story is a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet? The Sound of Music is about an Austrian family wanting to escape the Nazis. The more contemporary musicals include Moulin Rouge, which stars a starving artist who falls in love with a "painted lady" who wants to become an actress & whores herself out to a producer to get her big break, then dies of ... influenza? just as she gets everything patched up with her true love, the starving artist. Chicago is about a cheating wife who kills the guy she's cheating with, and all the things she does to get the jury to proclaim her innocent, while other women inmates are vying for help from her attorney.

This all stems from a comment made by 1 of the TV Guide reviewers saying that they hadn't thought a musical episode on a horror series would work. Every time I watch that I'm like, "How could it not work?! Have you been watching the show?!"

So, I told Mom that I want the 6th Season on DVD just for that episode. (1 of the commentators said, "They actually took all the songs from that episode and put them onto a soundtrack and sold it, that's how popular it was." And I said, "Yes, yes they did. And I have it." ^_^ Need to listen to it soon, too...)

Now tonight, I saw Wes Craven's They with Marc Blucas. So I'm like, "Now I have to have Seasons 4 and 5 on DVD, too!"

I used to hate Riley, when I first started watching Buffy. I caught reruns on FX from the beginning, but I got on the internet & found out all about the latest season, & when Season 6 started, I watched it as well. (Screamed my head off when I learned about the musical, too, I kid you not.) I was an instant Spike/Buffy fan, 'cause, hello, Spike. Cute bleach-blonde British undead guy. I'm a sucker for the accent, no matter how fake it is. Angel was okay, but I knew they were doomed from the start, and he was a little too... dark and overbearing for my tastes. Hot, but no. Everything was so life-or-death (literally sometimes) w/ him & Buffy. Spike made it fun.

So then Riley comes on. At least Angel had that whole vampire-creature-of-the-night thing going on. Riley didn't have any special powers, he was just Riley Finn, down-home boy from Iowa. I'm surrounded by down-home boys. I have family like that. Aside from the fact that I live in Nebraska & not Iowa, it's pretty much the same thing. I'm completely serious. Plus, as long as Riley was around, being all cutesy with Buffy, Spike wasn't getting any! (except from Harmony, but eew. Don't wanna think about it.)

I tried to be nice about Riley around my boyfriend Chris, 'cause... he's from Iowa. Huh, & I just realized, he ran away from the relationship, too! That's it, I'm never dating anyone from Iowa again!

Anyway, back on topic. (I had a topic?) Yes, Riley. So, wasn't happy with him, didn't like him. Just on principle, really. But then I had a dream about him. It was a... I don't know what I ate right before I went to bed that night, but wow. He & I were dating, &... well, the topic of missionary position came up, & that's all I'm sharing. It wasn't actually a dirty dream, per se, just... intimate, couple-y stuff.

I woke up and just thought about it for a while. I liked the feeling it left me with (not that feeling, perverts! The WAFF--Warm And Fuzzy Feeling). So after that, I wrote a total Mary Sue story where Buffy & Spike are dating, & all the really big things that happened to Buffy in the show, had happened to me. I told you - Mary Sue. The story started out in S4, & Riley & I do the whole flirting-dance. Despite being a Mary Sue, I like it, I think it's pretty well-written. Not that I'd ever show it to anyone else, but still.

God, Marc Blucas is a hottie. And there was a steamy scene @ the beginning of the movie, & I'm going, "Oh my God, just... guh!" My wet dreams are fueled for the next month! And all they did was make out! That's how good he is.

Or maybe it's just my lack-of-boyfriend showing. But still. He's hot.

3:13 a.m. - 2006-03-17


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