eirian84's Diaryland Diary


21 & Still Obsessed with Barbie

I have wanted to know for quite a while now what Barbie(R)'s friends' names are. I've got a Kira doll, & several other dolls w/ different looks/ethnicities, but when I was little, I didn't care what their names were, & it's not like I kept the boxes they came in for future name-reference. I created completely new characters & named them whatever the hell I wanted.

So, I went looking this morning. I found Barbiecollector.com, which is an adult collector-oriented site, with lots of facts about Barbie, including a Family Tree.

Learning all this stuff about Barbie (her various careers, her history & her family & friends), makes me want to flesh out the whole story.

How did she become a teenage fashion model? How did she meet Ken? What's her relationship with her little sisters & brother (did you know she had a brother?)

I know there are lots of Barbie storybooks out there, & now even movies & stuff (I've seen Barbie & the Nutcracker, but I can't really remember it; my nieces were watching it during Christmas 1 year, so it must have been over 3 years ago now).

But I want to write "real" stories about her. Not the watered-down, dumbed-down simplistic stuff they write for kids & put in coloring books (I should know; I have several Barbie coloring books still).

Plus, there are so many characters to work with and flesh out, there could be boundless, infinite stories & side-stories just waiting to be written.

Hey, for all I know, I'm not the first person to think like this (in fact, I'll be highly surprised if I am), but for the time, I'm not gonna go looking for fanfiction of it, because I want to start writing with an unprejudiced, clear mind.

21 & still obsessed with Barbie. Not surprising for me, unfortunately.

My mom's gonna kill me if I dig up ALL my old Barbie stuff. Hurk.

I'll see y'all later!

8:24 a.m. - 2006-07-30


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