eirian84's Diaryland Diary


Pirates 2: Dead Man's Chest

"You will always remember this as the day that you almost ate... Captain Jack Sparrow."

Pirates of the Caribbean. What can I say? It's an educational movie. Or, at least... I learned some things.

1. I like men in buttskirts.
2. Orlando Bloom is always hot.
3. I like it when Orlando Bloom is wet (he got wet a lot in the movie - I think he spent half the film in water)
4. I think Elizabeth should make it with both guys.*

*During the first movie, I adored the island scene w/ Jack & Elizabeth (y'know, the whole "Where's the rum?" scene?). When they were both drunk, I wanted them to hook up. But then in Dead Man's Chest, every scene they had together, I'm like, "No! Will, damnit, you're in love with Will!" I can't decide. But I'm seriously leaning toward Orlando at this point. He's a hottie (Plus, my mom's already cornered the whole obsessed-with-Johnny market.)

I know I had more, but I can't remember them.

My favorite quote (I decided this early on, but I listened for a better one throughout the entire movie; several came fairly close, including my opening quote, but this was the winner for me)
"Lift it like a lady's skirt!"

Umm... yeah. I kept having moments during the movie where, if I were Kim, I would have cheered out loud... but I'm a little too shy for that, plus I didn't want to embarrass my mom. I made up for it at the end by lifting my arms (in classic touch-down fashion) and cheering when Orlando Bloom's name popped up. I would've done it for Johnny Depp, but by the time I'd decided I'd actually do it, his name had passed. Still, my mom's like, "Katie! Don't do that!" Nobody looked at me, though (there were only a handful of people left by that point, anyway.)

Just a question: Who's seen Pirates 2? Did you watch all the way through the credits? 'Cause there's a little something extra afterwards.

My mom always sits all the way through the ending credits. When me & my friend Ivy went to see Aladdin, we were just leaving when the Genie "pushed up" the movie screen. We both whirled to see what the noise was, & he goes, "Made ya look!" We were 7 (or 8), & it made our night.

Anyway. Now I know what I'm gonna be doing tonight: Taking down my HP posters & putting up my Jack & Will poster I bought at Walmart. I also intend on going out there & buying the one w/ just Will on it & the one w/ just Captain Jack on it.

"Technically, I just captained it for 2 years, then I was mutineed and thrown off."
"But haven't ye been introducin' yerself all these years as 'Captain Jack Sparro''?"

I have to watch The Black Pearl again now.

Am I the only one who likes these movies for the characters, and not just the actors? It seems like all these people are like, "Oh, I love Johnny Depp; I love Orlando Bloom! They're so cool, I want to watch all their movies!" Yeah, I'm like that, but I also just love the characters! I love Will Turner! In a buttskirt (guh!)!

And of course, in true obsession-fashion, now I have to find (or make) Sims of Jack & Will (& Elizabeth, I suppose; nothing against her, I just like the boys better). Then I can get them to do naughty things... & film it... & blackmail them...

Umm... sorry. I don't know where that came from. How long can I keep using the excuse "I just spent a week alone with Kim"? (She's a pervert, by the way, & proud of it!)

I'm... just... gonna go... now.

Have a Great Day/Evening/Night, and don't do anything Jack wouldn't do!


9:34 p.m. - 2006-07-17


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