eirian84's Diaryland Diary


Stuff: B-day, Kitten, TS2, HP

So, a whole lot is happening - like, all at once. Nothing super-big, like life-changing or anything, just... everyday events.

My birthday's in 4 days! Whee! In July, I decided I wanted to spend my birthday off work, so I took... 2 weeks off for it. I figured that's enough, right? See, we have to work every other weekend, & we can't use paid-time-bank (PTB) for our weekends, so you can really only take 12 days off at a time. So I decided after my weekend to just take off 'til my next working weekend. Twelve days of doing nothing but sleeping... well, and cleaning. Which segues into my next event--

I'm getting a kitten! I haven't actually seen it yet, but I persuaded (read: begged) my mom into getting it, just because it's a calico. She's been described as mostly black, with a little white and orange around her ears and cheeks. She's about 5 weeks old, & the lady who has her isn't comfortable taking her away from Mama-cat yet (she's still drinking a lot of milk, she said), but maybe in about a week. How does this have anything to do with cleaning on my birthday-vacation? My room is a mess. Like, you would not believe. It's probably about 7-foot by 12, with a bed, computer table, 2 little bookshelves, & a dresser all crammed into it. There's just enough of a path to get to my computer, & then over to my dresser, without breaking my neck hopping over stuff.

The kitten is mine. Which means I'm gonna have to acclimate it to the house (& make sure Thomasina & Kumo, my other two kitties, don't beat it up). It's best to keep a new animal in a small space, like just one room, for a while, until it gets used to the pace & different smells & stuff. So, my room was volunteered. It's litterbox-trained, but I'll have to put a little litterbox in my room for it, since the others are all downstairs (& I wouldn't be too sure it could get back up the steps if it somehow didn't break it's neck getting down them). Ugh, so much to do, & all I wanted was to play the Sims!

Ahh, the Sims 2. My biggest obsession. The Pets expansion pack came out toward the end of October, & it got me all hyped to play TS2 again. It's been great! & I found a livejournal that has Harry Potter sims. It made me get off my lazy arse & start up an HP neighborhood in TS2. 'Godric's Hollow'. I didn't want to be predictable & name it 'Hogsmeade', y'know? At the moment, it's only got the 1 family, consisting of Remus, Sirius, toddler-Harry & toddler-Draco. I played it earlier today, & Sirius proposed to Remus. I took a ton of pictures of it. Yes, I love Sirius/Remus, & Harry/Draco.

And (like anyone's actually reading this, or cares, but oh well), the HP sims thing is here Her name is cloudlessnights. She's quite funny, & her sims are gorgeous! Plus, her Timeturner series is great, & it's made me start thinking about Marauders story ideas.

Hmm. Did I mention my Sims 2 obsession? Oh, okay. Just checking. Seriously, I keep having these "moments." I'll be talking to people, & after the conversation is over, & we're both pleased with what we've said, I imagine little plus signs floating over our heads, & our relationship numbers going up.

I have this habit (that started when I was young, with a very active imagination), where I'll put myself to sleep by playing out different story idea scenarios. Because of this habit, & my penchant for fanfic, I've had several very strange dreams based in different fandoms (the first I believe was Star Wars, & lately has been HP, of course). But lately - even though I haven't been thinking about Sims consciously - my HP "characters" in my dreams - will be sims. & I'll be watching their stats go up & down. It is SO weird.

So, yeah. I think that's enough rambling for now. After 6:30 am Monday (or whenever I finally manage to clock out), I will have the next 12 days off! Ooh-la-la! I'm so happy!

Just FYI (or FMI, for my information), I've been thinking of names for my kitten (ki-tten!). I like Belladonna. Or Persephone. (I've always liked the name Persephone, but Belladonna is just... an HP thing, I think. But then I'd keep thinking of Bellatrix, & that wouldn't be good.) Anyway.

3:57 p.m. - 2006-11-11


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