eirian84's Diaryland Diary


My Mom's an FMA Fangirl! ...?

My mom is a fangirl.

... wtf? How did this happen?

I really wish I'd watched FMA with her when it happened, because I would have boggled, then laughed my ass off and teased her about it.

She loves Al, which is natural, really. She just thinks he's really cute and sweet. Which he is.

We were watching the movie (which I finally got Monday!), and I realized a couple of things she likes.

She loves how they say 'Elric' in Japanese. "E-lu-li-ku". She thinks it's funny, and loves repeating it. I'm like, dude, stop being a spaz.

But what really had me boggling at her was the scene in Liore, when Armstrong rips off his shirt and does the whole muscles-and-pink-sparklies thing. My mom, I swear to JesusBuddhaAllah, goes, "Yes!" under her breath.

0.o ??? My mom is an Armstrong fan? I seriously want to get her a keychain or something with Armstrong on it (preferably shirtless & flexing, or at least shirtless), as like a gag-gift or something. That would be hilarious.

In other news... I want Bluebird's Illusion. Seriously. I keep seeing pics of Ed with his hair down, or in the military uniform & that ponytail, and I just melt. I suck at games, but for FMA, & especially RoyEd, I would play it incessantly. sigh. Unfortunately, it sounds like it'd be easier for me to get a date than this game. Which is pretty sad, because I'm not going to get any dates until I get a social life. And I'll inform you when that happens.

I guess I'll just have to get a lot of pics from it, & be happy with that. Mou.

5:10 p.m. - 2006-04-06


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